These days, just having a website is not enough to effectively engage with your audience and customer base. Many businesses have already discovered the benefits of having a mobile app as most users access websites from their mobile phones. This can lead to problems such as content not correctly being formatted to a smaller screen on a tablet or mobile phone, which is why a mobile app can efficiently avoid these issues. The two most popular mobile platforms are iOS and Android, and Newpath Web can develop apps for Android and iOS platforms, but which platform is a better choice?
Well, the answer comes down to what your needs are, as both platforms offer different benefits. The iOS platform has certain benefits such as higher security, an interface that is easily recognised all over the world and is considered more user-friendly. Android has many other benefits available that iOS can’t compete with, so it is up to you which platform best suits your needs and what you want to achieve.
Android has certain benefits that iOS can’t offer, such as being a cost-effective alternative and offer more sales opportunities. Android features an affordable and cost-effective software development kit (SDK) which is free to use for developers. This results in costs being greatly reduced during the mobile development stage. The only fee that is required is a one-time registration fee which needs to be paid once the mobile app is all ready to go live and be uploaded to the marketplace. The best part is that as soon as the one-time fee is paid, and developer is able to continue testing and building the mobile app from any computer device.
The Android platform also offers more sales opportunities as compared to the iOS platform. The reason for this is because mobile apps on Android do not rely on just one marketplace like Apple. Apart from just being available on the Google Play Store, mobile apps on Android can also access third-party app stores and marketplaces across many other platform channels. Developers can also create their own channel of sales in order to greatly increase the distribution of the mobile app. This extra flexibility is something that the iOS platform can not provide.
Another advantage of the Android platform is social media. Android uses Gmail, which is a widely used platform of e-mail, which means users can easily sign in with their social media accounts. This is because Android apps don’t have the harsh restrictions that iOS has, allowing it to be easily integrated with social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Google.
When looking for a company in Australia that can develop apps for Android, look no further than Newpath Web for all your Android app needs. Contact them today or browse their website for more information.